Friday, 18 January 2008

Candidates' Meeting

Hartlepool UKIP will be holding a meeting at Hartlepool Cricket Club on Tuesday 22nd January, starting at 1.15pm.

The meeting is for UKIP Members who are interested in standing for U.K.I.P. in the Hartlepool local elections in May. Of course supporters and anyone interested in joining the Party would be welcome to come along, provide of course they understand there might be parts of the meeting that we would have to restrict to paid up members.

Last May we came within 22 votes of getting a Councilor elected, in 2006 we achieved our first Councillor and in the local elections before that we came with one vote (and three recounts) of a breakthrough. UKIP are now getting a respectable vote in several wards around the town and are close to being the main opposition in more than one ward.

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