Tuesday, 23 August 2011

UKIP Conference Program Eastbourne 2011

Thursday 8 Sept
Agents Training 14.00-16.30, Hardwick Suite, ILTC
YI Conference 14.30-16.30, Spencer Suite, ILTC
Freedom Association 'Free Spirits' 17.00-18.15, Spencer Suite, ILTC
YI Public Speaking Contest Final 18.15-19.15, Spencer Suite, ILTC
Chairman's Reception 19.30–22.00, Gold Room, Winter Gardens
Launch of Gadfly Club at Chairman's Reception

Friday a.m.
Session Chairman: Steve Crowther, Executive Party Chairman
9.15 Video: Small Business vs Petty Bureaucracy
9.45 John Wallace, Chairman, SE Committee
Cllr Carolyn Heaps, Mayor of Eastbourne
10.00 Cllr Lisa Duffy
Mayor of Ramsey
10.10 Cllrs Peter Reeve and Chris Adams
Towards 2015 – a strategy for success
10.30 Parade of UKIP Councillors
10.40 Sanya-Jeet Thandi
Standing for UKIP
10.50 Neil Hamilton
Political Commentator, Sunday Express
11.05 Tea & coffee break
11.20 Patrick O'Flynn
Chief Political Columnist, Daily Express
11.35 Barry Madlener MEP
Party of Freedom (PVV), Netherlands
11.50 Timo Soini
Leader, True Finns
12.10 Nigel Farage MEP
Party Leader

Freedom Association –
YI – The rise of Euroscepticism in Europe
Pat Bryant – Should drugs be decriminalised?
Care Asset Management – Funding long-term care
NEC Candidate Hustings
Tim Congdon and Gerard Batten: The Cost of the EU (Cavendish Hotel)

1.00 LEADER'S LUNCH, Gold Room

Friday p.m. Session Chairman: Lisa Duffy, Party Director
14.00 Nicolas Dupont-Aignan MP
Forward the Republic Party (DLR), France
14.20 The Euro Crisis – Economists Panel
Prof Tim Congdon
Dr Petr Mach
Godfrey Bloom MEP
14.40 Jon Gaunt
Director, The EU Referendum Campaign
14.55 Gerard Batten MEP
After the Riots: What Next?
15.10 Alex Singleton
[Former leader writer, Daily Telegraph]
15.25 Tea & coffee break
15.40 Paul Doyle
Policy Focus: Defence
15.50 Michael Heaver
Policy Focus: Education
16.00 Robert Elliott
Policy Focus: Long-Term Care
16.10 Andrew Charalambous
Policy Focus: Housing
16.20 Eddie Bone
Campaign for an English Parliament
16.30 Paul Nuttall MEP with Tim Aker
Policy Review

Freedom Association – Should the Death Penalty be reintroduced?
Marta Andreasen – The EU Budget: Why we should not pay one penny more
Electoral Reform Society –
Westonaprice –

7.00 for 7.30 GALA DINNER, Floral Hall

Saturday a.m. Session Chairman: Steve Allison, Party Vice-Chairman
9.15 Video: Europe's Ill Wind (25 mins)
9.45 John Tennant
Working in the European Parliament
10.00 Harry Aldridge
Young Independence in 2011
10.15 Tom Booker and Steve Fowler
YI at Freshers' Fayres
10.20 James Moyies
Branch Revival Programme
10.35 Sean Howlett
YI working in branches
10.40 London 2012
David Coburn, Chairman, UKIP London
London Mayoral Candidate
Parade of London Assembly Candidates
11.00 Tea & coffee break
11.15 Steven Woolfe
Campaign brief: City of London
11.35 Bill Etheridge
Campaign against Political Correctness
11.45 Inez Ward
Campaign brief: Justice for Landlords
11.55 Joe Rukin
Campaign brief: Opposing HS2
12.05 Ben Pile
Campaign brief: Fighting the Turbines

Freedom Association – Where next for the BBC?
Christian Soldiers in UKIP
UKIP Friends of Israel
NEC Candidate Hustings
Disciplinary Committee elections

Saturday p.m. Session Chairman:
14.00 Motions
Submit your Speaker Request slips to Member Services before 13.00.
[Motion 1]
[Motion 2]
[Motion 3]
[Motion 4]

15.15 Leadership Q&A
Submit your questions to Member Services before 14.00.
15.35 Tea & coffee break
15.50 UKIP Gold Medal Awards
Party Chairman
16.30 Steve Crowther
Chairman's closing address
16.45 Anthems
Introduced by Michael Corby
17.00 Close

We look forward to seeing you at the 2012 Spring Conference in Skegness, on 2-3 March.

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