Thursday, 11 August 2011

Campaigning councillor faces threat of legal action


Hartlepool Council Health Scrutiny forum adjourned its meeting today and Councillor Geoff Lilley was asked to leave the committee room while the rest of the forum heard legal opinions over whether or not Councilor Lilley could be suspended from membership of the forum and referred to the Standards Board over his alleged involvement with the leaflet branding some of the Scrutiny Forum Members as “Collaborators” over the closure of Accident and Emergency Services at Hartlepool Hospital.

The meeting is due to re-convene at 11.00am

1 comment:

  1. Poor Geoff, those Labour/Tory Councillors really don't like him, do they.

    I have heard tell they know he's behind the HtH leaflet and can prove it.

    I also understand he has been reported to the standards board, again.
