Thursday 5 June 2008

Hypocrite (3) “One Who Dissembles Their Real Nature” (Collins Dictionary)

Well the Henley by-election is now upon us. The Lib Dems will claim to be fighting to retain rural post offices BUT in fact they are 100% behind the EU Postal Service Directives which are the reason post offices are closing.

The Lib-Dems are the most pro European Union Party in British Politics BUT they never discuss their policies in this area because they don’t want voters to know where the Lib-Dems really stand.

Once again actions speak louder than words!

Lib-Dems have voted to close post offices at every point since 1997.

1 comment:

  1. The C.I.B have organised a democracy demo on Tuesday the 10th of June starting 12 noon outside the Lib Dems London office. The address is 4 Cowley street Westminster SW1. True to form, the Lib Dems in the House of Lords are performing one of their convoluted policy twists by voting for the Lisbon Treaty and against a referendum. Contact Jenny Sleep on 01628 829188
