Wednesday 8 April 2009

A brief interlude!

I am sat in a horrible steel, concrete and glass box in the middle of London. From the window I can see the Union Flag flying on the mast at Buckingham Palace which means Her Majesty isn't in residence, no doubt she is somewhere much nicer. We are working flat out on the Election Address for the June 4th European Parliament Elections. Most people don't appreciate the work that goes into that piece of paper that lands on their mat and holds your attention for approximately 2 seconds, the time it takes to get from the mat to the recycle bin.
First the messages have to be decided upon. Ours are fairly simple, "Say NO to the EU" This seems to be an argument that we have won, however we now also need to persuade people that voting UKIP is the best way to say NO.Once the message is decided then the images need to be developed. The Election Address needs to be eye catching. Unfortunately you cannot just do anything you want to. The images cannot be libelous or illegal. The Whole thing needs to be vetted and approved by the Royal Mail and then comes the easy bit, printing 27 million copies. After that they need to be banded in 100's, boxed, labelled and delivered to 62 Post Office Depots around the country. A logistical nightmare!

1 comment:

  1. Steve,
    Hope you can pick your emails up there. If so check your inbox.
