Saturday, 9 October 2010

How private and NHS work differs!

My wife runs her own private chiropody practise in the Arches, Park Road, Hartlepool and she works a half day Saturdays,. This morning her first patient didn't turn up and so never one to waste a few idle minutes Sandra logged onto the internet and updated her Facebook status

Sandra Morag Allison is waiting 4 1st patient, 10mins late - a no-show methinks! :-( could have had extra sleep, not happy!

and this resulted in the following reply from one of the people she trained with.....

XXXX XXXX Interesting how private and NHS work differs! A no show first thing is my idea of the perfect start to the working day.... bring on the second cup of coffee!! Hope you're not working all day? :(

Says it all really!

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't that be 'My wife runs her own private chiropody practise in the Fallen Arches' Steve?
